Minecraft Custom Recipes Mod [1.6.4/1.6.2/1.5.2]

Minecraft Mods — October 10, 2013, 4:03 PM - 1,239 Views

What does Custom Recipes Mod do?

  • Custom Recipes mod lets you create new recipes for Minecraft.
  • You don’t have to download “crafting mods” any more!
  • All recipes are saved in Recipe Files, which can be edited by notepad.
  • This mod is also useful for debugging your mods.


Minecraft Custom Recipes Mod
Do not use Internet Explorer! It will damage the zip file.Errors in your recipes are written into .minecraft/ CustomRecipes.log.


  • Download and install modloader
  • Run MC to create needed folders
  • Place this ZIP file into .minecraft/mods
  • Run MC again
  • Read mods/customrecipes/dictionary.txt
  • Enjoy!

Recipe files can be found in:

  • Mods on this site (they tell you to download this mod)

After you download your recipe files, place them into this folder: .minecraft / mods / customrecipes

Recipe files:
This mod read all the recipes from simple text files. They are all stored in the recipe folder.

Dictionary file – the list of aliases: /mods/customrecipes/dictionary.txt
The dictionary.txt file is generated on startup, and it will be regenerated if you delete it. This file contains all all basic blocks and items that you can use in your custom recipes. Do not edit this file, just read it to get the knowledge.

Your recipe files: /mods/customrecipes/your_file.txt
All other files placed in /mods/customrecipes are interpreted as recipe files. These files contain your custom recipes (you can place many recipes into one file). You can also define new blocks and items here using the * syntax.

There are 4 available recipe types:

  • Shaped (the basic recipe)
  • Shapeless (eg. dying wool)
  • Smelting (for furnace).
  • Fuel (for furnace)

The recipe file can also contain:

  • Alias definition
  • Comment

Recipes can be saved in any text files in .minecraft/mods/customrecipes. You can also use comments to make the code cleaner.

How to make a recipe:

General notice: To get modded blocks, simply use their id like this: *pipe=185, and then use keyword pipe. For items, you must add 256 to the item id, if its 5000 in property file, use *explosiveEgg=5256.

shaped ( name,m + name,m + name,m / name,m + … ) > ( name,count,m )
meta and count are optional.

Shaped recipe consist of recipe (left) and result (right).

name = Block or item name (defined in the dictionary), or number (direct ID)
m = meta / damage value. This is used, for example, to determine leaves, wool and dye colour.
count = number of items produced, default is 1.

Recipe rows (the name+name+name pieces) are divided by either ; , | or /.
All rows must have the same size.
Use “null” , “none” , “air” or “nothing” in empty slots.

shapeless ( name,m + name,m + name,m … ) > ( name,count,m )
meta and count are optional.
Shapeless recipe has only one “row”, with up to 9 items.

smelting ( name ) > ( name,count,m )
meta and count are optional.

Smelting recipe can have only one item on left, and can’t specify it’s meta.

fuel ( name, burn_time )
fuel ( name, meta, burn_time )
meta is optional.

Name is an alias or item ID, and burntime defines how long this item should burn.
Stick has burntime 100, planks 300, coal 1600, lavabucket 20000.
If you write some super large number here, you will have nearly infinite fuel.

meta is optional.
This is an alias definition of new block or item.
Alias can contain letters, numbers and underscore. ID must be a number.
Aliases are defined in the dictionary, but you can define your own in your recipe file.

# comment, description, whatever
// this also works
This is how you can make comments in your recipe files.
Comment doesn’t have to start on new line, but all from the # sign till the end of line is treated as a comment.

Lazy code: For those who don’t like brackets: Don’t use them! shapeless fence > stick,6

Example recipes

  • shaped (log+null+log / log+log+log / log+null+log) > ( ladder,16 )
    (recipe from “EasyWood” mod, crafting ladder of logs)
  • shaped ( stick+stick / stick+stick ) > ( planks )
    (recipe from “ReverseCrafting” mod, making planks back from sticks)
  • shapeless ( dirt ) > ( clay )
    (converting dirt to clay)
  • shapeless ( log,0 ) > ( log,2 )
    (oak to birch)
  • shapeless ( logOak ) > ( logBirch )
    (it can be now done this way)
  • shapeless( bucketLava+bucketWater ) > ( obsidian )
    (recipe from “Crafting obsidian” mod; buckets will be returned empty)
  • smelting ( ice ) > ( water )
    (recipe to get “water tiles”)
  • smelting ( gravel ) > ( glass,64 )
    (This is real cheating! Smelt one gravel to get 64 blocks of glass!)
  • *rock=1
    Stone alias (rock can now be used instead of stone)
  • fuel ( netherrack,10000000 )
    Super fuel
  • # Comments
    Any comment


  • Read the dictionary.txt file to get better knowledge of block and item names
  • Place similar recipes into one file to create recipe packs
  • You can post the recipe packs as new mods here, just tell users to download this mod.
  • To upload your recipes, ZIP them!
  • If you run minecraft from command line, you get error messages that will help you debug your recipes.
  • Spaces are ignored in the recipe files during execution, thus you can use spaces for formatting.

Notice : This mod does require modloader.

Credit to: MightyPork, TheBoo

Download Custom Recipes Mod for Minecraft:

For Minecraft 1.6.4

Custom Recipes 1.6.4

For Minecraft 1.6.2/1.6.1

Custom Recipes 1.6.2/1.6.1 (Mirror)

For Minecraft 1.5.2/1.5.1

Custom Recipes 1.5.2/1.5.1

For Minecraft 1.4.7

Custom Recipes 1.4.7

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